Fieldwork & Folklife

The Ohio Arts Council is committed to expanding public awareness of Ohio’s rich landscape of communities and nurturing a sense of pride among Ohio’s traditional artists. The OAC identifies, documents, and works to understand the many ways in which cultural values are embedded in daily life. We seek to bring attention to the aesthetic forms that firmly ground and deeply embed individuals in their communities — from practical and beautiful hand-made objects to stories, songs, dances, and events that connect people. Our overarching goal is to integrate and connect cultural heritage to educational activities, cultural conservation, and art and community development, in order to strengthen the fabric of neighborhoods, towns, and cities throughout Ohio.

Fieldwork Projects:

Ohio Latino Arts Directory - photo by Alejandro Rivera
Holmes County Report
Lawrence County Traditional Arts Survey

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Ohio Folk & Traditional Arts - Ohio Arts Council Ohio Folk & Traditional Arts - National Endowment for the Arts Ohio Folk & Traditional Arts - ThinkTV